Here's one way to capture your arch nemesis!
- Find/take a clear jar or bag
- Insert a rotten fruit, into the bag or jar.
- Make a paper cone with a hole at least 2-4 centimeter wide in diameter.
- Place paper cone small end first into the jar/bag about one fourth the way inside.
- Tape or secure the cone onto the bag/jar.
- Put jar/bag into a very fruit-fly populated area.
- Watch the fruit flies land into the jar/bag and find themselves trapped and unable to escape.
- Release/dispose/destroy/burn the jar/bag
We all need to make sacrifices.
Protip: This will work best with a jar to oppose to a bag.
You're going to have to throw out your rock collection. Sorry.
Protip 2: Try not to wait for every single fly to land and become trapped, you don't want a a decomposing fruit, and a hundred fruit flies dead or dying on your counter top. Also, if you leave it for longer then a few days, you'll be surprised how many maggots can "spawn" from a few flies.
Protip 3: This can actually work with just about any flying insect.
If you didn't know: Maggots are baby flies.
If you didn't know: Maggots are baby flies.