Rain is one of those beautiful things in nature that nourishes all the wild life, both creature and plants alike. However, rain can often be a big problem for various reasons that you may not know about. I'm not talking about obvious reasons like massive flooding and stuff like that, but the passive, everyday things that rain can do to make your life a little bit worse.
"Nobody needs you!"
Joint Pain
For most people, spring showers bring trees, flowers, and wildlife back to life. For others, it brings unbearable joint pain. But wait, isn't joint pain only for old people that have nothing better to do but complain all day? False! For one, I experience joint pains in my knees and fingers when the rain arrives. So rain-related joint pain isn't only restricted to Aunt Marge in the retirement home.
So how does it exactly work? Why do peoples' joints hurt before a bad storm arrives? The reason for this is actually quite simple. Inside of everybody's joints, are nerves called baroreceptors which detect the change of blood pressure inside of your body. But the thing is, these nerves can sometimes be sensitive enough to detect the change of pressure in the atmosphere when the rain is about to hit.
Wait, since everybody has these "baroreceptor" nerves, why don't we all clench our joints in pain when the rain passes by? Well, a large majority of the people who experience joint pain before a storm, usually have some form of arthritis. Due to the arthritis, some people tend to feel the change in the atmosphere more significantly because of the reduced cartilage between the body's joints. But heck, at least you can predict weather like a pro right?
When I sense danger, I spontaneously combust. What a cool power, right?