Showing posts with label why. Show all posts
Showing posts with label why. Show all posts
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

3 Reasons To Get a Pocket Knife

With pocket knives having nothing to do with my recent obsessions, I'm here to present the case for getting a pocket knife (no secretive pocket knife lobbying here-- we're public about our pocket knife conglomerate sell out).  The thing is, the good ol' fashion pocket knife has found itself phasing away from everyday Joe's/Jane's pockets, despite its practical use. While a touchscreen phone with a highspeed internet access is useful in 65% of real-life situations (did you know that most statistics are created at-the-moment, 87.69% of the time? It's true!), nothing quite beats the "sharp edge" that a knife provides. Below, I'll discuss three reason to put a pocket knife in your "every-day-carry".

I totally didn't just use this image because it was open-domain. Totally not!

3. Practical Everyday Use

Haven't we all had that loose string in our shirt or jacket, that threatened the entire livelihood of our garments? With the heart-pumping stress of sharply pulling down on the loose string, and possibly risking the rapid unraveling of your sweater at the start of your day, wouldn't it be better if you had a unspecified sharp apparatus that could effectively cut such a problem? Along with cutting loose strings, a handy pocket knife can easily help you open envelopes, cardboard boxes, and even hard-to-open plastic packaging.

Look at all those uneven wrinkles and creases! Won't anyone think of the children?!

Monday, December 5, 2011

3 Effects Of Sleep Deprivation - Why You Should Sleep Earlier

When was the last time you've had a full 8 hours of sleep? Last night?! Well never mind then mister "I sleep a healthy average of hours deemed healthy by doctors around the world", obviously you're too good for us everyday Jills and Jims. For everybody else in the world, we probably sleep a little less than what doctors recommend, which is 10 hours for children, 9 hours for teenagers, and about 7-8 hours for adults. But what's the harm, right? What's the worst that could happen?

You could spontaneously combust. There's food for thought.

3. Weaken Immune System

Remember your good ol' immune system? How it would take care of you day and night, ensuring that parasites, viruses, bacteria, and fungi don't simply march into your body and start decomposing you while you're still alive? Well, regardless of how many vitamins and exercises you eat or do, (Surely, you don't exercise vitamins) your body can still become susceptible to disease by simple things you fail to do daily. Ranging from basic hygiene to your mind-set, your conscious and unconscious mind can play a big role in the physiology of your working, functioning body.

One sure-fire way to weaken your immune system is to deprive your body of sleep. Instead of allowing your body to re-build it's natural defenses and fight the evils of the world another day, you can sit around on your computer all day and slowly destroy your immune system. The result is as obvious as for any weaken immune system; you'll find yourself contracting diseases more often and that the diseases last much longer in your body due to your body's inability to fight the disease quickly and effectively. Sounds like fun, sign me up.

Congratulations, you are now a proud owner of a weaken immune system.
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Quick Fact: Why Water Is Blue

Today, we're going to tackle one of the most commonly misconceived questions of life. Why are the oceans blue? Many believe that the ocean is blue due to the reflection of the sky on the surface of the water. But owhy is it that water in a small glass, when placed outside, turn blue from the reflection of the water? Clearly, witchcraft is related to this scenario.

The true reason why water is blue, is because in reality, water is technically, blue. But how is it that in small quantities, water is depicted as crisp, clean, colorless substance, but in large bodies of water, is observed as blue? What's different between the two? They're both water, right? Yep, they are. Way to go, genius.

"They're both water" - You

The reason that smaller bodies of water appear clear and large bodies of water appear blue, is because water has an intrinsic property, which is caused by absorption and scattering of the the color red. In small amounts, light passes through water relatively easily without changing the 'white light' noticeable to the naked eye. In large amounts, the water absorbs and scatters parts of the white light to create a blue hue of the water. This can be demonstrated by looking at white light through a one meter pipe filled with purified water, closed on both ends with a completely transparent window.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

3 Reasons To Loathe Rain

Rain is one of those beautiful things in nature that nourishes all the wild life, both creature and plants alike. However, rain can often be a big problem for various reasons that you may not know about. I'm not talking about obvious reasons like massive flooding and stuff like that, but the passive, everyday things that rain can do to make your life a little bit worse.

"Nobody needs you!"

3. Joint Pain

For most people, spring showers bring trees, flowers, and wildlife back to life. For others, it brings unbearable joint pain. But wait, isn't joint pain only for old people that have nothing better to do but complain all day? False! For one, I experience joint pains in my knees and fingers when the rain arrives. So rain-related joint pain isn't only restricted to Aunt Marge in the retirement home.

So how does it exactly work? Why do peoples' joints hurt before a bad storm arrives? The reason for this is actually quite simple. Inside of everybody's joints, are nerves called baroreceptors which detect the change of blood pressure inside of your body. But the thing is, these nerves can sometimes be sensitive enough to detect the change of pressure in the atmosphere when the rain is about to hit.

Wait, since everybody has these "baroreceptor" nerves, why don't we all clench our joints in pain when the rain passes by? Well, a large majority of the people who experience joint pain before a storm, usually have some form of arthritis. Due to the arthritis, some people tend to feel the change in the atmosphere more significantly because of the reduced cartilage between the body's joints. But heck, at least you can predict weather like a pro right?

When I sense danger, I spontaneously combust. What a cool power, right?

Saturday, October 1, 2011

3 Reasons Why You Don't Want To Be Homeschooled

Homeschooling is pretty much school at home with good ol' dad or mom. It's pretty much school, but with more freedom right? You can set your own schedule, eat your own lunch, and even go on "school trips" five times a week right?! Doesn't it sound like the best idea since sliced apricots? But before you throw your bookbag out and get ready to beg your parents to be home schooled, lets look at the fine print.

3. Lack Of Personal Space

Think about it for a moment, where is school located now? In your attempts to avoid school as much as possible, you've brought school into your own home. The instant you wake up, "you're in school", there's no physical barrier between an institution for education and the place you watch cartoons and eat cheerios. It would be the equivalent of sleeping over at school everyday until you move out and get a apartment.

Alternatively, you can place peanuts on a stack of one dollar bills.

Instead of being able to "leave" school to a safe, non-educational environment, you'll constantly be in the threshold of "learning". Your parents could pester you to do homework and study for upcoming tests while you sit in the bathroom pretending to use the toilet or during dinner. The same desk you eat your breakfast on, will be the same desk you do "school work" on. The psychological barriers between work and leisure will slowly interlink, creating an environment that will make it extremely difficult to relax, or work.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Why You're Unlikely To Become A Doctor

Don't all parents want their children to become doctors? It's every parent's dream for their child to be join such highly respected professionals and  bring home a six figure paycheck every month. But the thing is, in all honestly, you're unlikely to become a doctor unless you're really dedicated and smart. However, I'm not talking about "summer school" dedicated or "getting tutored on weekends" dedicated, but wholly hardcore dedication since the start of life. If you ever want to become a actual physician, you need to start at the elementary school-middle school stage, suddenly deciding to take school seriously after 8 years of fooling around isn't as simple flipping a pancake.

All you really need is a stethoscope.

In order to become a doctor, you don't simply sign a few applications, take a few tests, and simply stride into your shiny doctor's office. In order to become a doctor, you can expect to spend almost a decade and a half in school before becoming a full-fledged doctor. What that means is that, you must be willing to throw away your early adult life and let go of the little pleasures of life such as eating out or taking a extra nap on the weekends in order to become a doctor in the future. If you're not willing to spend and commit your entire 20s and half of your 30s in school, don't walk half the journey before deciding to go a different route.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Why Smart Cars Aren't A Good Idea

We've all seen those commercials that advertise stylish new cars with super advanced technology built-in. Now, you can get a car that watches your eyes to make sure you're not drifting away to sleep; it's like a built-in parent, to watch intently watch you drive and slap you on the wrist every time your eyes close for a second too long. The car will even be able to help you stay in your lane and even park your car! Sweet! What's the problem with that?

What? Our sentient overlords have nothing to do with this article! 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Why We Can't Simply Print More Money

So you're walking around a volcano minding your own business, when you trip over a bag labeled "Infinite Money". (I know, I'm not very good with examples.) You open it up, and find thousands of dollars in different currencies, after taking out a stack of the money, you find out that the sack replenishes itself. Do you take the bag and store it away for a rainy Friday, or do you toss it down the volcano? This article isn't a trick question with cliche answers such as possibly lose all your friends, or have people kill you. (Even though those are perfectly good reasons.) We're here to talk about actual things that are extremely likely to happen.

Here's a reminder of your mortality. Bam. Feel free to take a moment to reflect on life.
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Why Flying Cars Wouldn't Work

Flying hover cars from the future? Why wouldn't they work? It's the future after all right? Despite how cool it would be to zip your kids to school in a hover-van, it wouldn't work out in the real world.

Hahahaha! Look at those lame ground people machines!

Essentially, creating flying cars of private and commercial-use would pretty much mean giving every man and woman access to a private plane.  Think about it, do you want your crazy uncle Tim flying a plane? Flying cars would become a threat to the general population's security, and it would be impractical to build and use.