
Monday, August 15, 2011

4 of The Most Common Job Interview Questions

Sadly, there aren't people standing around passing out jobs like pancakes. You need to actually prove your worth in a interview to get one. In interviews, you're not simply sitting around talking about the weather, the guy wants to see if your worth the salary You don't throw money at a frog in a swamp to work the IT department at your company.

"Tell me about yourself."

This is one of the most popular questions a interviewer can ask you. One of the reasons it's so difficult, is because you're not sure what to say. Do you start talking about your childhood woes and accomplishments? Do you start buttering yourself up with all of your diplomas? Who knows?

This is a photograph of me a few days ago.

In reality, when they're really asking you is what you're capabilities are and your 'personality'; Can you push difficulties aside, and still get the job done without tearing your hair in a screaming fit? Because despite common belief, the world does not revolve around you.

When asked this question, be prepared to tell them about your personality, skills, job experiences, work history and work ethics. Stick to the facts, try not to start wandering off about your job back in 09' where you met the most good looking girl you've ever seen that later turned out to be your wife or something along those lines.

"Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years?"

This question almost tickles the back of your brain that's telling you "In your chair SUCKER." (Obviously, don't say that.) But before you answer, ask yourself what they're really asking. In this case, the employer wants to see if you have a career plan or if you're just aimlessly wandering around, without a real commitment or goal.

This is my life savings. Considering the amount of pennies are in there, I'm pretty well-off compared to a homeless man.

You should have given this real thought before even considering any job. Only after planning the next few years of your life, career-wise, should you go for a interview to get a job. Once you're there, simply tell the truth. In all honestly, would you really want to work for a company for twenty years, before you realize you wanted to be a pastry chef? Imagine all the time wasted, when you could simply take a hour or two to figure things out.

(The difference between "I want to climb the corporate ladder, and try to land a administrative position at this company" and "I want to be your boss, then fire you." is very important.)

"What are your weaknesses?"

"My only weakness!"

As before and as all questions, it's said to determine your usefulness to their organization. They want to know your weaknesses. For example, are you sloppy? Being sloppy is a real weakness that could severely effect your job performance, but I didn't say that you should stroll around the employment office singing it along. You could say that you're very fast-pace, and you like to stay ahead of the competition, at the cost of occasional mistakes. Spin weaknesses as positives.

Chances are, you don't want to make it obvious that you're buttering yourself up. Don't say things like "I work too hard." Since the employer has probably heard that hundreds of times before. During the interview, you're not just trying to land a job, you're trying to market the value of yourself.

"How much do you want to be paid?"

"Yes, I used to always get paid 350$ daily in legal tender notes at my old job. Why do you ask?"

The reason this question is so difficult for un-experienced people, is that they might think that it's a open-ended question. "Can I honestly ask for any amount? What amount is too unreasonable? What if I ask for too little and I end up with minimum wage working as the CEO?"

The answer to this, and all of your problems to be prepared beforehand. Research the average amount paid in that position, including job experience and field of work. Remember to request a fair amoutn for yourself, and for the employer. Even if you are the best worker in the entire world and have the most job experience than anyone else in the field, if you market yourself at three million dollars a hour, it'll be difficult to find a job. You don't want to value yourself too little, or too much.