
Monday, July 11, 2011

Skyakes Revamp!

What's this new sensual template doing here? Well it might have something to do with our extreme-revamp. Why is it extreme? Not because it's a massively life-altering, but because its hardcore like six rocks tied onto the end of a rope made of goat skin.

Out with the old, in with the new!

Well, other then the new-fresh look, what else is new you might ask?

  • Two new picture-hacks. (I'll show you these in the next few post!)
  • A new "associate"! That's right, Skyakes isn't just becoming another slowly dying blog on the verge of collapse, now it's a collaboration of two people running a dying blog on the verge of collapse. Just kidding about the collapse and dying part though.
    • The fresh-meat or more politely, the new gentlemen that will be joining us will hopefully bring some fresh air and insight into the room.
    • His name is Eddard. Feel free to parade him with balloons and fast cars.
Any ways, with our new staff, we should be able to pump out more quality content, and instead of enjoying one article with a cuppa tea, you can now enjoy two teas. -insert questionable music-

Expect some new things* coming your way as we adjust towards this change for the better!

*New things may include one or more of the following: increased content, improved quality of content, cancer, diabetes, skin blemishes, multiple cyst, hot air balloons and/or pink colored ovals.