
Friday, July 15, 2011

3 Of The Most Aggressive Animals In the World

I've talked about venomous and suspiciously strong animals capable of using our thigh bones as toothpicks, but it's time to talk about animals that would never back down from a fight. If you encounter one of these animals in the wild, you better start considering which part of your body you want eaten the least, because oh boy, you will be eaten.

Although we would all love to think that most animals would just jump into our arms and give us the biggest, friendliest hug ever and call you daddy or mommy, animals don't work that way. Some animals are just waiting to kick some behinds the day they pop out of their mothers.

3. The Crotalus Atrox

"How do you do?

Strange name eh? Allow me to give you another name, the "Western Diamondback Rattlesnake". Doesn't sound like some strange island out in the ocean somewhere anymore right?

These snakes are found in the United States and in Mexico, they are also responsible for almost all of the snakebites in Northern Mexico, and almost the number one reason for snakebites behind the "Crotalus Adamanteus", but that's for another time.

These snakes can reach a mere length of about 6 feet, and less commonly, 7 feet, These buggers don't grow very long. But they do live pretty long.

The Western Diamondback Rattlesnake's expected life span is a little more than 20 years. However, people generally hate them (for reasons discussed later) and try to hunt them to extinction, so they don't really live that long. Before you go write up a petition against this type of hunting, there's a good reason for this; these snakes are known to almost never back down from a confrontation. If you try to play clever and poke around the snake with a tree branch, it'll imaginably follow you home six years later in order to repeatedly bite your children in your sleep.

These snakes will stand their ground to it's final breath. If you find yourself in a confrontation, you'll see it coil up like a rope and produce rattle sounds that will pierce your soul.

Even though we all love to hear about the worst case scenario, their venom isn't as poisonous as other snakes we've mentioned before. The bite from these snakes tend to become discolored and painful. The venom may destroy body cells such as bloodcells, cause paralysis, and even cause persistent bleeding. Sure, it sounds pretty bad right? Thankfully for you, the thing about this snake is that it's a "pit viper", and most "pit vipers" generally do not release any of its venom during the bite.

After hearing that, you may be ready to go outside and make a few more animals friends. Which brings me to my next point, the larger a rattlesnake is in general, the more venomous it can possibly be. If you see a six hundred feet rattlesnake weighing about forty seven buses, you could expect thousands of pounds of venom going into one of its bite. So if you see a six hundred feet, zillion pound snake, try to avoid it.

Also remember that not all rattlesnakes will warn you that you're walking on its turf, you may find yourself walking around singing songs of joy and happiness, and then find yourself holding your knee in sheer pain.

2. The Saltwater Crocodile

Are you frightened already? You should be, the Saltwater Crocodile is the largest known living reptile in the entire world. Although they aren't the size of skyscrapers and marching down city blocks smashing things, one thing they will be smashing, are your organs.

An adult Saltwater Crocodile can weight around 1750 pounds, so it can already statistically murder you horribly by simply sitting on you. Normal adult crocodiles become around 15.5 feet long, so if it could stand, it'll be about three times the size of you.

Wait, what about those "rare" cases good sir? Well allow me to answer, in rare occasions, these beast may become 20 feet or longer, and weight 2,900 pounds or more. What does that mean? It means that there's 2,900 pounds of butt whooping waiting for you outside, is what that means.

"Get real! They can't possible be that large!"


After getting past the mere specifications of this beast, wait until you find out what they're actually known for. These Crocodiles are known to be able to take on almost any animal, both land and in sea. If you pass that line between sweet home, and his territory, he'll be ready to swiftly maim you violently.

Although younger Crocodiles mainly attack and eat smaller prey, as they become larger and more hardcore, they begin to introduce "newer" foods to their diet.  Larger adult Crocodiles can easily take down goats, wild boars, kangaroos, monkeys, pets, sharks, and even full sized horses. Did I forget humans? Because they can totally destroy humans.

Luckily, general Saltwater Crocodile behavior only includes sunbathing in the sun, loitering around water, and presumably flexing its muscles at passing-by female crocodiles. Although these crocodiles tend to be lazy, when they wish to kill you, they can explode into crazily fast speeds. Although un-confirmed thanks to lack of eye-witnesses, doubtlessly because their corpses were unable to speak, these crocodiles have reached speeds faster then then race horses chasing after their prey in short bursts.

Saltwater Crocodiles tend to enjoy attacking their prey near the bodies of water in order to pull them in to make their job easier. Although most animals tend to die from the sheer horror of a 15 foot crocodile biting into their soft flesh. Granted that it wasn't the crocodiles powerful jaws known to be crush and pierce through just about any skull you can throw at it. So yeah, it's probably the jaws.

Again, attacks from these animals towards humans are rare. People that see 2,000 pounds of death, usually don't try to run over and invite it over for brunch.

Protip: Don't invite Saltwater Crocodiles to brunch.

1. Africanized Honey Bee

The hardcore of hardcore, they've even been nicknamed "killer bees" simply to tell your child, "perhaps you shouldn't stick your hand into there" after someone tells them that killer bees lurking in the area.

Where could these evil bees possibly could have come from? The deep lengths of an African Forest surely! Nope. They were "made" by mating the toughest, strongest bees from Europe, and southern Africa. The initial idea wasn't to take over the world with an army of bees, but rather to create better adaptable bee that generated more honey. Honey being a magical elixir of health benefiting abilities at relatively no harm to the animal, it's a treasured food. It's a classic goodie-two-shoes experiment gone bad.

The bees were 'accidentally' released in 1957, and since then, they've spread rapidly, attacking and taking over local hives.

What makes these bees so horrible? Because although they appear like Honest Joe, they're actually more like Mafia Boss Tommy Jimbo.

These special-bred bees aren't just known to bring home the "dough", but are also known to protect their hive with everything they've got, and I mean literally.

At almost every point of their lives, they're ready to defend the colony at any cost. These bees have been known to sent the entire hive after intruders*, and chase the intruder for half a mile. Even if they don't get you, they'll go back to their hives pissed off more then ever.

Pictured: Death

 These bees won't simply attack you if you reach your hand in their hive in search of delicious treats, even minor vibrations and noises may trigger a attack. A person walking around 50 feet from the hive may trigger a attack, even using powertools from 100 feet away may also trigger a attack.

They also have larger amounts of "guard" bees inside of hive just to deliver more butt-whooping when they chase after you, and when I said chase after you, I really mean chase after you.

Clever are you? Going to jump in a pool and see how many join you eh? I guess you got me, they won't jump in and swim in there to get you What they will do is wait for you to come back up. I'm serious. Lets see how long you can hold your breath; Once you go back to the surface to get a breath of air, expect a few bees to jump at this opportunity with arms open and stingers pointed down.

The good thing about these bees is their productivity, and the fact that they are still normal bees with a anger problem. Their stings are pretty much identical to normal honey bee stings with the only difference of the amount of times you'll get stung. Another positive side, is that these bees have been bred with more "gentle" bees in order to "domesticate" them. The newer gentler bees can be used to produce honey without a few hundred bees trying to swarming around you every time you try to collect some honey. Success!