
Write for us!

That's right! You can be a guest blogger for free! Usually we would charge you a zillion dollars, but we're in a giving mood, so if you've ever wanted to try out your writing skills and go to bed with the satisfaction that you've done something productive today, try us!

We welcome/insist you send us a email or contact us, if you wish to send us a something to post up on this blog. There will be restrictions on both the topic and content. The restrictions are the following:
  • No pornographic material in any sort
  • No vulgar language
  • Your post must respect all views and opinions
  • No offensive pictures/words
  • No copyrighted content/pictures
  • At least 500 words (Isn't that much to be honest. It's about one full handwritten page.)
  • No STEALING (You can quote, but don't make your entire post full of quotes, with one sentence written by yourself.)
The post can be just words, and zero pictures. But if you wish to include pictures, please send me the pictures, or upload and give me a link to the pictures, and define where each picture belongs.

Please organize, edit, and revise your work. After you've completed compiling pictures and finishing a final copy of your work, send it to me via. email. If you have any special requests, ask ASAP.

Your work will be credited to any name you wish, either your real name or a pen name. If you have a website or business, I can list that too at the end of your post.

Please send me a email to confirm interest before writing, or sending me a post. We'll agree on a topic and date.

If you're interested, send me an email at:

Why write for us?
You get to put yourself out there and get constructive criticism from me and others. If you've ever thought about writing a book or a story, start small, and build up! There's nothing you can lose here, other then pride and dignity, just kidding. -Insert swift smiling face here-

Swift smiling face inserted.