
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

4 Ways To Determine Time of Death In a Dead Person

Regardless of your desire to know this information, we're here to discuss the four primary indicators of time of death in a corpse. (Because you obviously can't determine the time of a person's death if they're still alive) I would like to point out that all of these indicators can only help you estimate the time of death, since many environmental factors can change the observed events. Hopefully, you won't come back with pitchforks and torches if you come across a dead person (as often as you do) and quickly induce the person's time of death, only to find out how wrong you were, based on what we've told you.

If you look closely enough, you can see the imminent, post-apocalyptic future. On the other hand, there are some neat skulls there. 

4. Livor Mortis

Livor Mortis is one of the first things you don't see on crime shows and movies, despite it being one of the first things that happen to a dead body. Livor mortis is the resultant color of a dead person's pooling blood at the work of gravity. What do I mean? Think of it this way, once you're dead, your heart stops beating. If your heart stops beating and your blood vessels stop moving, there is nothing to circulate your blood. Therefore, after you die, your blood simply flows down your once active blood vessels, into the lowest part of your body. (Regardless of body position.)

Livor mortis is clearly observed by a dark purpleish hue onto the skin in which the blood has flown and pooled. Depending on the time, this color can/will become permanently fixed onto the body in a matter of time. What this all means is that you can determine the position the person died, along with the the estimated time of death.

Don't worry, this is the most graphic picture in this article. (Even though I found hundreds of pictures of half-decomposing bodies everywhere, so you owe me one.)

After the first two to eight hours of death, lividity (pooling of blood in body) will be present on the body. However, it would be easily removed by pressing onto the afflicted area with a finger/any pressure. If the color disappears, the person probably died less than eight hours ago. If the color remains, the person must have died beyond the eight hour time frame.

Before you start jumping around like some type of leprechaun with your new-found knowledge, allow me to inform you about the factors that affect livor mortis. First off, the environmental temperature of the body can greatly influence how long it takes before lividity becomes permanent. If the temperature happened to be extremely cold at that time, livor mortis could be slowed down. (The opposite is true as well) Accessories and clothing such as tight belts and wristwatches could easily externally constrict blood passage as well, which can also slow down livor mortis.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Horrifying Tuesday: Casu Marzu

Welcome back to Horrifying Tuesday! Wasn't the lack of something horrifying for the past few weeks, purely horrifying? Thankfully, we've saved something that's especially terrifying for today. Speaking of terrifying, is there anything in the world worst than rotten, stinky, maggot-infested cheese? If your answer to that question goes along the lines of "Why yes, good sir. There is certainly nothing more disgruntling than a rotten roll of cheese", then you're going to love today's topic.

Article may/may not be related to apricots*

The Casu Marzu is a traditional Sardinian sheep milk cheese, that happens to have a extra "umfp" than your regular cheeses. While we've all heard of those "aged cheeses" that cost a few thousands dollars due to the hundreds of years worth of effort put into them. Casu Marzu takes "aging cheese" one step further by going beyond the typical fermentation stage, and goes into some crossroad between insanity, torture, and decomposition. How? Why? We'll explain.

The Casu Marzu brings about this "super-advanced" aging process by using the helpful assistance of the Fruit fly.  To be more specific, the larvae of the Cheese fly. In order to establish the natural soft texture taste, the larvae of the Fruit fly are introduced to the cheese in order to break down the cheese's fats and therefore bringing it to the next level of insanity decomposition fermentation. Before we go any further, allow me to explain how it's fermented.

Monday, January 9, 2012

6 Most Common Forms of Psychological Defense Mechanisms

Hello! Welcome to 2012! A fresh start in a new year, right? It's as if all your past problems melted away along with your hopes for snow, right? Sadly, the world doesn't work that way, and your problems of yesteryear are still present. Speaking of problems, wouldn't it be awesome if your body had a way with dealing away all your problems and woes to protect your little virgin mind? Wouldn't that be fantastic? It sure would! Thankfully, we have them. Below, you'll find the 7 most common, most observed forms of psychological "defense mechanisms".


Projection is described as subconsciously denying something about yourself and projecting it onto someone or something else. In a way, projection assists a person by helping them avoid that icky feeling accompanied by self-failure or fault. An example of projection could be being extremely prejudice, but refusing to accept that you are by exclaiming that everyone around you is prejudice. Another example would be blaming your mom's unceasing ranting to be the reason you didn't/couldn't do your homework.

"Blame my mom, all my problems somehow root to her."


Regression is one of most "top-notch" defense mechanisms on this list. Regression is the short/long-term return to childish or immature behavior at the face of a difficult situation. Instead of facing and dealing with a difficult situation in a adult manner, the person may regress back into toddler years. Thankfully for me, we've all be guilty of this and therefore, examples are easy. An example of regression could be a teenager being refused a extension of curfew and reacting to it by screaming, crying, and throwing a tantrum. Another example would be telling your friend to "suck it" after being asked to borrow your car.

"You want my car, do you?!"